Some of you may’ve noticed the repotrs of flooding in Brisbane over the last few days, While most of the country has been fixated on that, The same weather has moved down the coast into the Northern Rivers, The same area which i live in, Which recieved the flooding in january 2008, Some of you may remember the flood pics i posted back then.
Well the good news is, that this year, Kyogle hasnt been hit as badly as last year, However its my understanduing that lismore may’ve been hit harder, With a top os 10.4m expected in about an hour, which is supposed to flood the CBD (By radio reports)
I’ll get a few pics up of Kyogle later this evening perhaps.
I’ve attached some graphs of the river levels in Kyogle/Wiangaree/Casino to this post, I cant seem to find any of lismore right now, i’ll investigate that later (The station is probbly under water anyway..)
It seems the casino level hasnt peaked yet, but is very close, and most people seem to be safe of the water… But like i said, More later perhaps :)